
My Ironman Journey

Welcome to my Lake Placid Ironman 2023 journey. This project documents my 6-month training and delves into the details of my improvement across 3 athletic events.

Total Training Days


Over 6 months

Hours Trained


~4 hours/day

Calories Burned


During training

Total Distance


Miles on race day

The Lake Placid Challenge

Swim Course - Mirror Lake

Swim Course Map
  • 🏊‍♂️ Notes: Very beautiful sunrise as over 2000 athletes prepare for a long day ahead
  • 💧 Two 1.2-mile loops
  • 🌡️ Average water temp: 68-72°F
  • ⏱️ Cut-off time: 2:20

Bike Course - Adirondacks

Bike Course Map
  • 🚴‍♂️ Notes: Hilly roads with lots of speed on descents and effort on climbing - occasional downpours of rain made for a difficult section
  • ⛰️ Elevation gain: 6,700 feet
  • 🔄 Two 56-mile loops
  • ⏱️ Cut-off time: 10:30

Run Course - Lake Placid

Run Course Map
  • 🏃‍♂️ Notes: Mild hills with large crowds cheering you on as you begin your final loop
  • ⛰️ Elevation gain: 1,500 feet
  • 🔄 Two 13.1-mile loops
  • ⏱️ Cut-off time: 17:00


This section delves into my genetic makeup based off SNP genotyping (sequencing outsourced to selfdecode). I was able to play around with the data and make a mock report by creating an in house SNP database based on specific genetic markers that influence athletic performance and attributing "scores" to each associated gene

Genetic Performance Report

Scores were calculated by taking 20 known gene variations associated with athletic performance via scientific literature and comparing my own SNP data through normalized scoring. A future balanced score will be added to determine the overal flexibility of athletic performance

2 = optimal score

1 = Neutral variant

0.5 = less than optimal variant

0.1 = Non-optimal variant

Athletic Genetics Overview

This detailed overview analyzes key genetic markers that influence athletic performance. The analysis includes the following:

1. Effect Size vs. Endurance/Power Bias: Show a mix of both power and endurance potential, with strong markers like ACTN3 favoring power and ACE favoring endurance performance

2. Distribution of Genentic Pathways: All genes analyzed have strong scientific backing, with evidence quality scores above 75%

3. Evidence Quality by Gene: Most genes are involved in energy metabolism and muscle composition

4. Genes Ranked by Effect Size: ACTN3 and ACE have the strongest influence on athletic performance, with other genes providing moderate to significant effects


This section explores how my body composition evolved throughout my Ironman training, with a focus on metrics like BMI, body fat percentage, lean mass, and cardiovascular indicators.



Healthy Range

Body Fat %


Athletic Range

Lean Mass (lb)


Peak Training

Body Composition Analysis

Body Fat Percentage Trends

Trend analysis of body fat percentage - I still remember the mcdonalds nuggest and fries after - clearly had a little rebound after the event but cleaned up in the following weeks.

Body Mass Evolution

Trend analysis of body mass with added target weight - identical trend but nice to see weight in pounds

Body Mass vs Body Fat

Comparative analysis of body mass and body fat percentage relationships. Nothing out of order here.

Lean Body Mass Trends

Tracking of lean body mass changes during the same period. I noticed the loss of bodyfat but also the loss of muscle mass - I was considerably weaker throughout my lifts and in retrospect would add more lifting to training diet.

Pro Height Distribution Analysis

Height Distribution of pro triathletes.

Pro Body Mass Distribution

Weight Distribution of pro triathletes.

Pro Height vs Weight Analysis

Graph compares height and weight distributions between PRO triathletes sourced from ( - orange dots) and Rio 2016 Olympian triathletes (teal dots), showing a moderate positive correlation (R²=0.59) between height and weight, with most elite athletes falling within a specific range of proportions - in this case olympians from 2016 seem to weigh less on average than the PRO triatheltes (given that the PRO triathlete data was sourced as recently as 2024 I think there might be a trend towards slightly heavier triathletes in the future)

Cardiovascular Performance

Heart Rate by Activity

Analysis of heart rate patterns across different training activities. What I found that even though I was super out of breathing during swimming (poor technique plus inexperience) my heart rate was super low - this lead to me being in optimal fat burning range which explains that pretty fast drop from end of september to December where I was doing mostly swim training.

Also interesting to note here that my range of heart rate during my runs was larger than any other activity - I think I feel most comfortable with the variation I can give me run workouts as that's the activity I'm most familar with

Base Heart Rate Zones

Distribution of training time across base heart rate zones

Now this was super intersting for me to find out - I had initially calculated my heart rate zones with some website I found on the internet - only to find out there were multiple ways to calculate them after all the training. Based of the MHR (maximum heart rate) calculator I used online I had a fairly optimal distribution of time spent in zone 1/2 (endurance focused)

However based on the Karvonen method I spent 76.8% of my time in Zone 1! I will definitely reassess my zone calculation for the next event

Basic MHR formula: MHR = 220 - Age

Targeted Heart Rate at 70% using Karvonen formula: THR = ((MHR - RHR) x 0.70) + RHR

Karvonen Heart Rate Zones

Karvonen heart rate zones in more dramatic bar graph fashion

MHR Heart Rate Zones

Maximum heart rate zones used during training

Time in Zones Analysis

Detailed breakdown of time spent in different heart rate zones

This is fun to see because you can zoom in week by week, month by month and see how long you were spending in a heart rate zone any given day - all the way to the right you can see the event day that essentially eclipses the entire graph

HRV Trends

Heart rate variability trends throughout training period.

Now let's get a litte more technical - plotted here is the rolling average of my HRV (heart rate variablity) over the course of roughly two years - with many more data points during the training cycle

What can be noticed are sharp ups and downs during those training periods - peaks corresponding to good recovery days and troughs to hard training days/inadequate recovery/possible accumulation of fatigue

Despite the volatility, the overall trend line (red dashed) continues its gradual decline - this is normal as the boody responds/adapts to progressive overload and potentially indicates a shift to a more sympathetic nervous system activity. In the future I would love to incorporate more HRV monitoring during my training - gives me a good sense of exactly how hard was a hard workout and my recovery time - the goal is to really master the occasional super-compensation (higher than baseline) to find the best windows for peak performance

VO2 Max Trends

Progression of VO2 Max measurements during training

I would take this graph with alot of salt being that its coming from apple watch data - but it does show I normally have a stable VO2 max oof around 55ml/min/kg and the training shock lowered that to roughly 49ml/min/kg and then gradually improved

The classic "train-adapt-improve" cycle

Swim Performance

An analysis of my swim performance during the Ironman training, focusing on improvements in pace, distance, and technique.

Performance Metrics

Comparative metrics across Personal and Professional Swims

I was able to calculate stroke rate and body angles from videos of my own swims v a professionals: I used MediaPipe's (python package) pose module to extract wrist, hip, elbow, and shoulder positions via an x and y axixs and the associated coordinates can be tracked over time

From this we can see the stroke rate for the professional is much more efficent per stroke than myself - their body angle was roughly 40 degrees more perpendicular than myself (something I really need to work on)

Metric Swim 1 Swim 2 Pro Swim

Stroke Rate 94.0 84.4 74.6

Average Body Angle 129.7 130.0 162.8

Duration 13.6 13.3 30.0

The following graphs go more into detail of the pro's v my body angles

Body Angle Analysis

Examination of body angle changes during swim sessions

My body angle is consistently to low - you can see the pro is much more stable than I am at keeping hip's and shoulders consistently in line with the water

Wrist Angle Analysis

Examination of wrist angle changes during swim sessions

This shocked me the most - the wrist angle graph of the pro's looks almost like a heart beat (except for the camera angle change in the second half of the video)

Meanwhile my wrist angle is inconsistent - good to note for the future technique sessions to focus on this

DPS and SWOLF Trends

Analysis of DPS (Distance Per Stroke) and SWOLF (Swim Golf) trends over time

All graphs from this point on were captured via FORM swimming goggles - These changed the game in terms of performance in my training swims

My Distance Per Stroke has a clear upward trend as my training progressed and I could feel myself getting more efficent as time went on

SWOLF = Time (seconds) + Stroke Count

Similar trend in my SWOLF where a downward trend indicates that its taking fewer strokes to cover the same distance

Notable peaks and valleys can be attriibuted to the fluctuations of each swim sessions focus (sprint sessions usually result in a higher SWOLF due to disproportionate increase in stroke count)

Energy Expenditure

Correlation of calories burned with total swimming distance

Stroke Analysis

Analysis of stroke count changes throughout training

Duration and Avg Stroke Count/Length exhibit inverse relationships in some areas. For example, longer durations (indicating longer swims) sometimes correspond to lower stroke efficiency

Interval Analysis

Breakdown of swim intervals by distance and stroke count

Form Analysis 1

Key frame comparison for form analysis (session 1).

Form Analysis 2

Key frame comparison for form analysis (session 2).

Form Analysis 3

Key frame comparison for form analysis (session 3).

Form Analysis 4

Key frame comparison for form analysis (session 4).

Bike Performance

A deep dive into my biking sessions, covering distance, power, and cadence trends throughout training.

Activity Distribution

Overview of the distribution of biking activities throughout training

These are speciifc wahoo workouts that can be done via bike trainer - You can see I liked to test my power metrics often with the 4DP test

Specifically the 4DP test is meant to measure NeuroMuscular Power (NM), Aerobic Power (MAP), Functional Threshold Power (FTP), and Anaerobic Capacity (AC)

Power Analysis

Analysis of average power output during biking sessions

Figure shows a steady increase that suggests improvements in power output, likely due to consistent training and adaptations

Correlation Analysis

Correlation matrix showing relationships between various biking metrics

Being that there were so many metrics to stay on top of I created this correlation matrix to figure out which ones were relative enough to each other so that I didn't have to think of each one independently

This was essentially letting me know that normalized power is a little more relevant to track in comparison to average power

Training Stress Score

Cumulative Training Stress Score (TSS) over the training period

TSS was an intersting new metric to capture and be aware of - I normally feel like I have a good sense of how fatigued my body is but this level of detail helped in knowning when to ease back

Metric Distribution

Distribution of various biking metrics such as speed, power, and cadence

Duration Analysis

Analysis of session duration distributions across different biking workouts

Training Intensity

Progression of intensity factor (IF) over time to assess training load

Bike IF and Run IF cluster around 0.7 to 0.9, suggesting most sessions were in the moderate-intensity zone

High-intensity spikes indicate effective inclusion of harder efforts for threshold development and or VO2 max improvement

TSS Distribution

Distribution of Training Stress Score (TSS) across different sessions

TSS Over Time

Trend of TSS and IF over the training period

Siimilar sort of trend here where a stable TSS over time is dicating most of the training period and then some higher days for harder training days

Weekly Load

Weekly distribution of training load, indicating volume and intensity

Nice to see that I was increasing training load as the weeks progressed

Workout Comparison

Comparison of key metrics across different workout sessions

A portion of my workouts were captured via apple watch and another portion by wahoo - overall I think wahoo will be the best bet moving forward for tracking biking data

Run Performance

This section focuses on my running performance, showcasing my progress in speed, endurance, and pacing strategies.

Running Analysis

Comprehensive analysis of running metrics, including speed, endurance, and pacing

Being that I feel very comfortable with my ability to self-train my runs I wanted to take a deeper look at somethings that I haven't before

1. Calories burned per Mile vs. Pace: A general trend emerges: faster paces (lower min/mile) tend to correlate with lower calories burned per mile, while slower paces see higher calorie burn per mile & Outliers exist at very slow paces (>15 min/mile) with exceptionally high calorie burns, potentially due to walks, steep elevation, or strenuous conditions

2. Calorie Efficiency Over Time: Significant variability across sessions, with clusters of higher calorie burn during earlier periods (e.g., Jan 2023) and lower values in recent sessions - Larger bubbles (longer runs) generally align with moderate calorie burn per mile, suggesting standardized running efficiency during these sessions

3. Impact of Temperature on Calorie Burn: Calorie burn per mile seems relatively stable across most temperatures but shows slight increases in colder conditions (below ~50°F)

4. Impact of elevatioon Gain on Calorie Burn: Higher elevation gains (>400m) correspond to significantly higher calorie burn per mile, as expected due to the added strain of climbing

Heart Rate and Cadence

Tracking heart rate and cadence variations over time during runs

Something I learned was that during these very long distance events you want to have a faster cadence being that it means your foot is striking the ground for less duration of time and this is better for accumulation of fatigue/normal wear and tear of joints

However my cadence is usally a steady 130's-140's during these runs - I was adviced that 180 is a good number and tried it once and it just felt wrong

Pace Analysis

Analysis of pace trends and distance over the training period

Nice graph to show my pace given a distance - You can see the two outliers - one being a really long race where I kept a decent pace (~11min for 50k) and a very short run where I tried that 180 steps per minute cadence

Weekly Distance

Weekly mileage progression

Diet & Sleep Analysis

This section covers the impact of my diet and sleep on my overall training performance and recovery

Average Calories Consumed


Average Sleep (hours)


Macronutrient Distribution

Analysis of macronutrient intake distribution over the training period

I had a fairly similar diet during training as I did during normal day to day life - Granted I also ate much more after days that were specifically brutal (Chipotle was my go to)

Overall my diet served me well and was something I didn't have to think about much during training since I was already used to tracking macros

Weight and Calories

Correlation between weight changes and calorie intake over time

My weight decreased steadily over time and my calories remained pretty much the same - only thing to notehere was that the days leading up to the event I started to carbo load which was a massive uptick in carbohydrates

Sleep Analysis

Detailed analysis of sleep patterns (going all the way back to 2020

1. Sleep Quality vs. Duration: Sleep quality peaks around 8 or 9 hours, but there is diminishing return beyond that - There are a few outliers with low sleep quality even at longer durations, possibly due to disturbances like snoring or movement

2. Sleep Patterns Over Time: Graph suggests steady improvement or consistency in sleep patterns since 2020 - some improvements I made were using black out curtains to get rid of excess light

3. Movements per Hour vs. Sleep Duration: Movement per hour remains low for most durations, with a few extreme outliers showing very high movement (>400 movements per hour) - likely just restless nights where I was actually awake

4. Snore Time vs. Sleep Duration: Snore time is highest in the 6 to 8 hour duration range, indicating a possible pattern of snoring during optimal sleep durations - didn't even know I snored this much, crazy.

5. Sleep Quality Distribution: There are some nights with low sleep quality (less than 0.5), which are less frequent but good to keep aware of

6. Bedtime vs. Sleep Quality: Sleep quality is highest for bedtimes between 10 PM and 12 AM - Bedtimes after 12 AM show a slight decline in quality, likely due to shorter sleep durations or disruptions to circadian rhythms

Final Thoughts

My Ironman Journey

Looking back on training the data reflects a story of gradual progress and adaptation - understanding the process will be key in my future races - Thanks for joining across all the different segments - I'm hoping to replicate these analyses in the future with improvements

Final Swim Time


Final Bike Time


Final Run Time


Final Finish Time


© 2024 Nobel Girmay - Lake Placid Ironman 2023